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A National Heritage Foundation

Preserving Military and Patriotic Tradition

The National Lancers are comprised of members, volunteers, and supporters and are a completely NONPROFIT organization assembled, maintained, and dedicated to the cause of upholding Massachusetts’ creed of Union, Liberty, and the LAWS.

Reenacting the historic rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes since 1914 is just one of the many events the Lancers conduct to help educate the public and remind America of the historic importance Boston held in the Revolutionary War. The role the Lancers have played throughout Massachusetts' history is an important tradition worth continuing. The care, feeding, and medical requirements of the Lancer horses are funded solely by the contributions of Lancer supporters. Please help keep this important historical organization alive. Support the heritage of the National Lancers by:

Volunteering your time or energies to benefit the National Lancers
• Making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to the National Lancers (click here for form)
• Donating equipment or services (TAX DEDUCTIBLE) to help rebuild, maintain, and improve our facility.
• Donating a horse or horse equipment to the National Lancers

The National Lancers are currently on a quest to renovate their library and museum. Public support for this project is greatly appreciated. The Lancer Headquarters, with your help, will be open to the public for educational tours, exhibits and viewing of the library and museum. Your generous contributions are GREATLY appreciated and needed to accomplish this goal.

To learn more about the Lancers and how you can help their worthwhile cause, please contact the National Lancers by entering information on our Contact Information Form or by e-mailing us at

Thank you in advance for your support.
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