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National Lancer Commanders
1836 to Present
BG Richard Reale, Jr.
2014 - Present
BG Mario DiCarlo
1997 - 2014
MG Dino DiCarlo
1955 - 1997
MAJ Walter Austin
1952 - 1955
COL Joseph F. Fraumeni
1950 - 1952
COL Donald A. Young
1949 - 1950
CPT. Leon W. Nelson
1948 - 1949
LTC. Frederick Paul Welsch
1940 - 1948
COL Charles F. Galloway
1938 - 1940
LTC Frederick Paul Welsch
1937 - 1938
CPT Robert P. Ashley
1936 - 1937
COL Augustus E. Duncan
1934 - 1936
LTC John R. Sanborn
1920 - 1934
1LT Raymon N. Atherton
1919 - 1920
CPT John R. Sanborn
1918 - 1919
CPT John Kenny
1913 - 1918
CPT Charles B. Appleton
1911 - 1913
CPT John Stuart Barrows
1909 - 1911
CPT Fred R. Robinson
1906 - 1909
CPT James Rice
1905 - 1906
CPT Fred T. Haverlin
1904 - 1905
CPT Frank T. Hitchcock
1903 - 1904
CPT George Proctor
1902 - 1903
CPT Frank K. Neal
1900 - 1902
CPT Doriss A. Young
1897 - 1900
CPT Oscar A. Jones
1895 - 1897
CPT Daniel K. Emerson
1893 - 1895
CPT Addison D. Nichols
1891 - 1893
CPT Edward B. Wadsworth
1888 - 1891
CPT Isaac H. Allard
1886 - 1891
CPT Henry D. Andrews
1884 - 1886
CPT Horace G. Kemp
1883 - 1884
CPT Benjamin W. Dean
1881 - 1883
CPT Aaron F. Nettleton
1879 - 1881
CPT Charles F. Thurston
1879 - 1879
CPT George S. Holt
1877 - 1879
CPT Cyrus W. Emery
1874 - 1877
CPT Thomas W. Neal
1873 - 1874
CPT H.P. Smith
1871 - 1873
CPT George E. Richardson
1870 - 1871
CPT Barney Hull
1868 - 1870
CPT Albert L. Sanborn
1866 - 1868
CPT Lucius Slade
1861 - 1866
CPT John H. Fellows
1860 - 1861
CPT M.C. Kenney
1857 - 1860
CPT Axel Dearborn
1856 - 1857
CPT Charles A. Kimball
1854 - 1856
CPT Seth Wilmarth
1853 - 1854
CPT Jonas C. Gipson
1852 - 1853
CPT Thomas J. Pierce
1850 - 1852
CPT William F. White
1849 - 1850
CPT Albert Guild
1848 - 1849
CPT Ezra Forristal
1845 - 1848
CPT Joseph Smith
1843 - 1845
CPT Peter Dunbar
1839 - 1843
CPT Thomas Davis
1836 - 1839
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