National Lancers Photo Gallery

If you happen to have any great pictures that you've taken at a Lancer event, please send it along with a description to — we'll let you know if we post it!

2010 Photo Gallery
06/05/2010 June Day
June 5th, 2010 June Day In Boston
05/06/2010 Troop B Graduation
May 6, 2010 Troop B Graduation
04/10/2010 Salem Muster
Apr 10th, 2010 Salem Muster
03/27/2010 Troop Ride
Mar. 27th, 2010 Troop Ride
2009 Photo Gallery
Revere/Dawes - 2010
Revere/Dawes - 2010
10/24/2009 Dining In
Oct. 24, 2009 Dining In
9/12/2009 Cowboy Weekend
Sept. 12, 2009 Cowboy Weekend
9/26/2009 Canton Homecoming Parade
Sept. 26, 2009 Canton Homecoming
National Lancer Museum
Visit Our Museum
6/1/2009 June Day
June 1, 2009 June Day
3/3/2009 Troop B Graduation
March 3, 2009Troop B Graduation
4/4/2009 Salem Muster
Apr. 4, 2009 Salem Muster
3/14/2009 Troop Ride
Mar. 14, 2009 Troop Ride
Visitor Maps
Lancer Website Visitor Maps (NEW!)
3/8/2009 Troop Ride
Mar. 8, 2009 Troop Ride
Lancer Helmets
Lancer Helmets
Lancer Funeral
Feb. 4, 2009 Lancer Funeral
3/28/2009 Troop Ride
Feb. 28, 2009 Troop Ride
2008 Photo Gallery
Dining In
Oct. 11, 2008 Lancer Dining In
Marconi Award
Oct. 8, 2008 Marconi Award
Cowboy Weekend
Sept 12-14, 2008 Outing at Miles Standish
Camp Edwards Family Day
Aug. 6th, Camp Edwards Family Day
Reale Wedding
June 28th, 2008 Lancer Wedding
Lancer Dinner
June 21st, 2008 Annual Lancer Dinner
Framingham Family Day
June 1st, 2008 Framingham, Mass Family Day
Memorial Day
May 18, 2008 Newton Memorial Day Parade
May 4th, 2008 Troop A and B Induction
Paul Revere
April 21st 2008 Paul Revere Ride, Boston
Salem Muster
April 19th, 2008 Salem Muster
Patriot Born
April 19th, Honey Gives Birth
National Guard Ball
April 12th, National Guard Ball, Dedham
Drill Ride
April 6th, 2008 Troop Ride
Trooper Ride
March 22nd 2008 Troop Ride
Trooper Ride
March 2nd 2008 Troop Ride
2007 Gallery
Everett, Ma. Homecoming Parade
October - 2007
Everett, Ma Parade
Needham July 4th Parade
July - 2007
Needham July 4th
Army BDay Celebration
June - 2007
Army Birthday
Dedham Ma Parade
June - 2007
Dedham Ma Parade
National Lancer Dinner
June - 2007
Annual NL Dinner
Hanover Horse Show
June - 2007
Hanover MA
Ancient & Honorable Parade
June - 2007
Ancient's Parade
Photos of Camp DiCarlo
May - 2007
Camp DiCarlo
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